+65 6327 7866 +65 97715236 info@baozhongtang.com.sg Novena Specialist Center, 8 Sinaran Drive, #07-13/14, S307470
TCM Singapore

Bao Zhong Tang’s Rose Three Treasure Tea

🌹 Bao Zhong Tang’s Rose Three Treasure Tea 🍃 contains quality Rose buds as well as American Ginseng and other herb, which complements the brew and enhances its overall benefits.
✨ It can help soothe Liver qi stagnation and regulate qi. ✨
💆‍♀️ It is for people who is stress, irritable and has frequent mood swings and headache.
👯‍♀️ It is also good for females who has menstrual irregularities and discomfort, such as period cramps, tightness of the breast and bloating, during their period.
😇 Rose tea can be taken daily for maintenance of antioxidant, to achieve radiant and overall improvement in complexion.
*Note that consumption of Rose Tea is not recommended for pregnant women.

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